Muse /myooz/ (verb) to consider thoughtfully;
(noun) a source of inspiration.
Strategy Muse is a different kind of company. We are a consulting co-op of senior-level independent consultants who’ve banded together under the Strategy Muse brand name. With a wide range of expertise and deep experience in communication and HR, we combine critical thinking with creativity to spark our clients’ strategies into action and achieve great things through their people.
What makes us different?
designed with clients in mind
Our operating model makes us nimble. We can match top talent to your specific needs, at rates that won’t break the bank.
We offer solutions, not templates. Our expert communicators, designers, storytellers, psychologists, political strategists, facilitators, scientists, artists and coaches bring fresh perspectives and systems thinking to every client.
We like pushing the envelope—but we’re not tone deaf. We are skilled in navigating different types of organizations and adjust our approach to fit yours.
What makes us tick?
You’ll find that despite coming from different backgrounds and experiences, our team shows up in a remarkably consistent way. We are kindred spirits that share a core set of values:
Strive for the WOW!
Get outstanding results in fresh, creative ways that stick.
Embrace intellectual rigor
Dispel the belief that creative means “flakey” or undisciplined.
Show up to help
Be empathetic and help our clients be at their best.
Have courage
Speak your mind. Try new things. Be open to others’ ideas.
Follow your curiosity
Explore the unknown. Ask questions. Love the process. Learn something.
Come from a place of abundance
Be inclusive and embrace others’ strengths. Show gratitude.
Be honest. Be humble.
Enough said.
Ready to get started? We are.